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Frequently asked question

Nowadays many people tend to be very skepticals about the online business and a few others are thinking that all the opportunities they have heard are just a myth.

So here are some of the most commonly asked questions I wanted to address.

Q.1 Can anyone make money online with their hobbies or they passionate about?

My honest answer is yes, as long as you have access to the internet and if you can write and read basic English you can do this. Of course, there is some work involved and you can follow the instruction and take action consistently you can make it otherwise you won’t make any money.

Read my beginner guide to know exactly how to make money online.

Q.2 Do I have to leave my current job or can do part-time?

Absolutely you no need to leave your job, you can start it with part-time. Even I have started my online career on the part-time basis while I’m working a full-time job.

At first, I had devoted about an hour or two per day depending on my situation. I have allocated a small percentage of my income to start this online “secondary” source of income.

Once this secondary income grows and surpasses my primary income, then I will leave my current job and do my full-time online business.

Q.3 Is there any age limit to do this?

No. It doesn’t matter if you’re a 15 yr old young guy or 80 yrs old retired person, as long as you are able to understand the skill set of the Internet and know how to apply it, that’s all. Age is irrelevant in determining your success here.

Q.4 Does it cost a lot of money to start an online business?

No, it doesn’t. You can start with as little as a cost of a cup of tea a day but when your business grows, then you have to invest little more but it not that much.

Even, If you have no money then you can start FREE here.

Q.5 Do I need to handle any physical products? Do I have to stock inventory?

Not in all cases. If you promote others product as an affiliate marketer, you can make money by just promoting their product.

Let say if you promoting Amazon or Click bank products as an affiliate then you no need to worry about the shipping and inventory part. The main supplier will do all this job for you and you just need to promote their product.

If you have your own product then you have to do all this work.

Q.6 Do I need to have a formal, university-based education?

Heck no. You not required any formal degree. Look, I went through seven years of formal education after high school, and it taught me NOTHING about real-world marketing, entrepreneurship, and creating a multimillion-dollar business.

Since all the education we take from childhood to half of our age, just teaches us how to be an employee, they don’t teach us how to become an entrepreneur. 

So here I’ll guide you taking control of your future once and for all and if you don’t take charge of your future today, then you leaving it in the hands of someone else.

You will never get rich working for someone else. You need your own venture.

Q.7 Is it hard work to generate a four, five or six-figure monthly income online?

The answer is no – if you seek out and follow a mentor that’s already successfully done it. My online success journey started with Wealthy Affiliate. Where the mentor will show you step by step how to become an online entrepreneur.

Of course, it requires some work and commitment and on the other side, if you try to figure everything out on your own, making money from the internet is very difficult.

In fact, it could ruin your time and money because there are a lot of programs based on this topic. It’s a very tedious process to figure out which one you should take and not to mention you’de be operating without a roadmap.

So you need an honest, experienced coach to guide you and also at an inexpensive cost. Read my highly recommended program to start your successful online business.

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